Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Victory Is Ours

The British troops were coming for us but Paul Revere warned us just in time. We traveled all the way to Lexington and Concord to protect our land and our things. British soldiers were waiting for us so we had to fight. We are lucky that we didn't get hurt. We won the battles!!! After the British surrendered we started cheering then we went home.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Dumping the King's Tea

Today we went looking for the King's tea boxes. We tiptoed around the school so that nobody would catch us. We were so quiet in our Native American disguises. Some of us had cameras to take photos and videos. Finally we found all the tea and were ready to dump it into the sea.

We opened the boxes and dumped out the tea. Tea leaves were flying around in the sky and floating on the water. It was really fun and it felt good making the King mad. We showed the King that he can't be the boss of us anymore. Today was the best day ever.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Our Big Plan

Today we planned what we are going to do about our problems with the King. It is a secret so we can't tell anyone about the plans. We can tell you that it is going to be scary for some of us and a little dangerous for others.

We just finished making a list of the things that we will need to carry out our mission. We need to be prepared if we want to survive. This week we will be very busy so we will update you after we safely complete our mission.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

No More Tea

Today the King said that we won't get any more tea unless we buy it from the store he wants us to. Now we can't have any tea because we have to wait for another shipment. We are sad that the King is telling us what to do all the time. We are also mad that the British troops are still taking over our things. Some of our tea cups were taken from us. This is starting to get really bad here. Don't tell anybody but some of us want to fight back but we are too scared to go against the King's troops.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The British Are Taking Over

The British troops are taking over our things. We also feel like they're trying to steal our land. We are totally scared. The general came in to scream at us and drink our tea. Then the soldiers told us to give them our things. Some of us were sitting on the floor and some of us were standing up. We felt furious. There are even people talking about fighting for their freedom.

"When the British troops they were really mean to us." -Katie

"I DO NOT LIKE THE KING." -Sebastian

"I didn't listen and I sat back in my seat. Now I feel kind of scared that they will come back and throw me in jail." -Frankie

"When they told me to get out my seat I felt sad." -Denise

"The Quartering Act makes me sick." -Aaron

"When the troops came in I was worried." -Jasmine

"When they came in I was mad and when they come back I'm not going to let them sit in my seat." -Arianna

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

No Sugar for Us

Today we have to pay King George for sugar because he needs money for the war. It's going to be hard for us to pay up. We can ask our parents for money but they'll probably say no. No sugar for us. If there's no sugar for us the tea will taste gross.

We are sad because we also have to pay extra for the cookies. We feel angry because we don't want to pay King George. It is frustrating that the King is forcing us to pay for the sweets we enjoy every single day.